Talented singer, Piyush Ambhore who had made his presence felt in the singing reality show The Voice India has dished out a single- A rock Ballad titled `Tujhe Jaana Hain toh Jaa`. Alongside the vocals, the song has been composed by Piyush as well. Piyush`s high pitched melodious voice has taken the song to a new level.
The song comes with a video featuring Piyush and Shrushti Tare as a couple. This romantic number talks of longing and the pangs of youthful love. It is hauntingly dark and lingers much after the music fades. The video is directed by Preet Singh Bhullar and depicts a poignant story as the song unfolds.
Talking about Tujhe Jaana Hain toh Jaa, Piyush stated, `I waited for the right song and call it my weakness, I `m a perfectionist. So till I get it spot on I will not put out stuff just for visibility. Also just to add, this song is hinged on Rock and as a genre it is somewhat lost. By mid 90s pop had taken over and rock took a back seat. Only recently do we see a genre revival and I would like to play a role in its revival. Who knows we can see Woodstock in India in the near future, atleast the society is prepared for one`.
Once Tujhe Jaana Hain Toh Jaa picks up the team intends to re-group on a series of videos and songs. Talking about working with Suraj Palwade, the producer and Preet, Piyush said, `It was great collaborating with the ream. It`s difficult to get people who you can see a long term association with, Both Suraj and Preet are the other spokes of the wheel and Tujhe Jaana Hain Toh Jaa is as much theirs as its mine`.
The song produced by Suraj Palwade and 48 Frames Production, reflects great production values and it is released by Zee Music.
Monday, June 10, 2019 16:31 IST