Ayushmann Khurrana shared the stage with Director Anubhav Sinha to give a glimpse of the unseen footage from the film. The film which has sent waves across, demands change from the audience as it inches closer to its release.
In the event, the lead actor of Article 15, Ayushmann Khurrana and director Anubhav Sinha showed an unusually gripping video based on India vs Pakistan theme which gave the message of unity to the nation over the social issues, as well.
The trailer had touched the hearts of many with its hard-hitting message, 'Ab Farq Laayenge'. Ayushmann Khurrana will play a heroic cop who will lead the investigation to bring out the change.
The investigative drama, Article 15 is a movie that demands change in society from each individual and asks everyone to take action. The recently released emotional and hard-hitting trailer had captivated the audience with its socially driven storyline and is receiving all the appreciation.
'Article 15' is set to get a world premiere at the tenth edition of the London Indian Film Festival. The investigative drama will be shown at the opening night.
The film also stars Isha Talwar, M Nassar, Manoj Pahwa, Sayani Gupta, Kumud Mishra and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub.
Directed by Anubhav Sinha and Produced by Benaras Media Works and Zee Studios, the film is sure to put the audience through a social perspective.
Monday, June 17, 2019 17:04 IST