The latest on Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, who is participating in Britain's reality show "Celebrity Big Brother", is that she has impressed her housemates with her
chicken curry but at the same time rued about make-up.
Shilpa showed her culinary skills this weekend after Jackiey, one of the participants, was voted out of the show. Everybody thought that Shilpa would leave the show halfway
given the verbal onslaught Jackiey unleashed on the Indian actor. Shilpa surely must have heaved a sigh of relief when Jackiey was evicted.
In fact, Shilpa was so upset that she cried on Jermaine Jackson's shoulder and even tried to shift her attention to the "sexy" Dirk Benedict - the American actor on the show
who has also publicly admitted he has got the hots for her, reported Shilpa's publicist Dale Bhagwagar.
Shilpa had a roller coaster time and even confronted Big Brother himself, added Bhagwagar.
Shilpa told Big Brother: "I'm very upset. It's so mean that you've got me in here without my make-up. What wrong have I done to you?"
Unable to hand her a calming mascara wand, Big Brother turned the conversation over to Jackiey.
"Just before Jackiey left, she called me a 'nightmare'. I've never been spoken to like that. I was trying to analyse what I'd done. I hope that she is happy, but the whole
sequence of events shook me up. I feel bad I didn't say goodbye," she added.
When Big brother asked her, how will you spend the rest of Saturday night, Shilpa said: "Sleeping."
"With or without your make-up?" asked Big Brother.
"Can I kill you?" quipped Shilpa and giggled.
"I have no make-up on! It's horrible. This is not good. It's worse than anything Jackiey said to me," she said, chuckling.
"Here I am with dark circles and no rouge or mascara. This is a nightmare. I look like a nightmare. Jackiey was right," said Shilpa.
She hid her eyes reached behind sunglasses. Under protection of her sunglasses now, Shilpa found new strength.
"Will you laugh, Big Brother? Oh come on. I want you to laugh. Are you going to laugh tonight? I'm waiting," she asked again, dramatically drumming her hands on the Diary
Room chair.
"I want you to laugh Big Brother!" she stressed.
"Big Brother will not be laughing tonight," he said.
"That's it!" she said, thumping the chair. "I'm leaving. Bye!"
And then she left the room. Shilpa has completed two weeks at "Big Brother".
Monday, January 15, 2007 14:40 IST