Actor Sunny Kaushal, who was appreciated for his supporting role of Himmat Singh in Akshay Kumar's Gold, has managed to bag not one but three films this year. The newbie plays a lead role in RSVP's Bhangra Paa Le, has signed Dinesh Vijan's Shiddat alongside Radhika Madan and will also be seen in Hurdang opposite Nushrat Bharucha.
The actor is elated about getting to play varied characters in the movies. `I feel blessed that the makers are trusting me with such interesting roles. All the characters come from entirely different worlds, and they are amazing yet grounded stories. Jaggi in Bhangra Paa Le is a passionate dancer trying to find himself. Daddu in Hurdang is a student fighting for his rights and love. In Shiddat, every action of the character is motivated by love. As an actor I couldn't have asked for more,` he says.
Saturday, June 22, 2019 13:57 IST