Recently released Dhanush's first international film, The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir, has gained a lot of love and support from the audiences. The film has opened internationally across multiple locations, prominent ones being France, Italy, Spain, Australia, Netherland and Hongkong and received excellent reviews and opening weekend collections. Indian audiences too have loved the film.
Reactions have started making their way into social media platforms already and fans are applauding Dhanush's performance. Those who have seen the film are calling it one of Dhanush's best works.
Reactions such as, "In #Theextraordinaryjourneyofthefakir @Dhanush is awesome. He completely justifies the character and `What an outstanding performance Boss,` are buzzing the social media platform. Others are praising the film for being "outstanding".
Monday, July 01, 2019 14:13 IST