Ever since Sara Ali Khan has made her Bollywood debut with the film Kedarnath, the actress has already created a special place in the hearts of the audience with her promising role and commendable acting in the movie. Likewise the actress who is the favourite of the audience with her versatile acting skills and has also turned as the top choice among the filmmakers, Sara Ali Khan talks about, this is what has helped her choose films.
Admired by the audience for her vibrant personality and prowess, Sara Ali Khan talks about conviction, how it has helped her make choices in her career, "To be really honest, I am not educated in films. I don't know very much. So for me conviction is the only thing. You have to know, why are you doing what you are doing. I didn't take Kedarnath and Simmba for the same reason. But I knew why I was doing each film. Going forward also, right now i am working with Imtiaz Sir, David Sir. Okay I am doing both the films of different genres as well. So I think there needs to be some form of firm conviction within you. Your heart and soul within you needs to tell you that you want to do. And once you know that you can rush in life. So one thing that i look for sure is conviction. Either in my role or in my director, or in my script, or in the world there needs to be conviction".
Hailed as the 'buzz girl' of Bollywood, Sara Ali Khan who just stepped into the industry is known for her commercially successful films and is also well known in the brand circuit. With her amiable, vibrant and relatable personality, Sara Ali Khan has also become the top choice for all the leading brands.
Sara Ali Khan who is just two films old in Bollywood has become a sensation within such a short span of time with marketers betting big on her and filmmakers seeking to sign her.
The actress already has 11 brand endorsements in her kitty, with an estimated annual revenue of over 30 crores, this year alone and the brands range right from a sports brand to a jewellery brand. With a massive appeal amongst the audience, Sara is not just a youth influencer but has created all the buzz ever since she stepped into the industry hence, being hailed as the `buzz girl` of Bollywood.
The actress will be next seen in the recently announced Imtiaz Ali 's next alongside Kartik Aaryan and with Varun Dhawan Coolie No. 1, both of which are slated to be released next year.
Thursday, July 04, 2019 12:29 IST