Actor Sanjay Dutt appeared before a special court in Mumbai on Thursday where he will seek exemption from a prison term, after being found guilty by the court of the illegal
possession of firearms.
Dutt, dressed in a blue shirt and casual denims, arrived in the Terrorism and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act court conducting the 1993 serial blasts trial, at
approximately 11 am accompanied by his lawyers.
After being convicted by the TADA court on November 28, 2006 for the illegal possession of an AK-56 assault rifle and a pistol, Dutt had sought bail in order to complete
pending film assignments and make some arrangements for his daughter, Trishala, who is studying in the US.
He subsequently sought an extension of the bail, which was granted by the court.
Dutt, who faces between 5 to 10 years in jail after being found guilty under the Arms Act, has also sought an exemption from a prison sentence under the Probation of
Offenders Act.
The court is also likely to hear arguments on the quantum of sentence for seven other persons convicted by it in the multiple blasts case.
Over 100 persons have been convicted by the court for their involvement in the conspiracy to engineer 13 bomb explosions in the city on March 13, 1993, killing 257 people
and injuring over 700.
Thursday, January 18, 2007 13:13 IST