Hrithik Roshan's Super 30 which is receiving all the praises by the audience, critics and celebs where Hrithik Roshan has perfectly brought the real life character of Mathematician Anand Kumar to life through his commendable performance be it it mannerisms, persona or language. Hrithik Roshan's character which has led his fans go gaga, now his on-screen brother Nandish Sandhu talks about working with Hrithik Roshan.
Talking about his experience on working with Hrithik Roshan Roshan, Nandish Sandhu says, "Hrithik is a delight to work with. He is very professional, flexible, giving, adjusting and is always available for discussions. He knows what he is doing and doesn't interfere with what the other person is doing. He was very involved with the project. I remember he used to stay back even after his shots were done to give me cues, which even an AD could have given. But, he used to say that Nandish, you stayed to give me my cues, so I am here for your cues"
Millennial Superstar who has fans all over not just because of his stellar performance in films but also his phenomenal legacy of challenging roles, the actor's fans are going berserk which is proof enough that Hrithik is a true superstar. Talking about his bonding with Hrithik Roshan, Nandish says, "Off-screen too we bonded like brothers. He used to ask about my whereabouts and invited me to where he was staying. Also offered me to accompany him to the gym and workout together. He kept asking me if I needed anything since we were shooting at a remote location. He took care of me and had also instructed his team to look after me. We also used to discuss scenes over phone and in-person. He has been very kind and never treated me as he is a senior".
Hrithik Roshan is basking in the glory of Super 30 as the film is doing great on the Box Office not only this but the film has become tax-free in the major states of India which adds more accolades to their name.
The movie was released on 12 July, and is still running successfully being a massive hit and has crossed the bracket of 100 crore club, garnering praise and love from all around the world.
Saturday, July 27, 2019 17:11 IST