As Bollywood superstar Sanjay Dutt, who is celebrating his 60th birthday today has treated his fans with a special gift. The actor has released the teaser of his upcoming Bollywood film Prasthanam, which is also being produced by the actor`s production house.
Prasthanam is a word that means a journey. This is a story about power, greed, love, human fallacies - but most importantly it is a story about the life journeys that every character chooses to undertake. Set in a contemporary political family, the story of Prasthanam is akin to that of the Mahabharata, dealing with complex questions on dharma, morality, desire, right and wrong.
Directed by Deva Katta, Sanjay S Dutt`s presents, produced by Maanayata Dutt, Prasthanam stars Sanjay Dutt, Manisha Koirala, Jackie Shroff, Chunky Panday, Ali Fazal, Amyra Dastur & Satyajeet Dubey. The film releases on 20th September 2019.
Monday, July 29, 2019 16:29 IST