One of the most relatable actresses Shraddha Kapoor had recently wrapped up 'Street Dancer 3D' shoot, amidst balancing the different work zones. After writing a heartfelt note to the team, the actress was flooded with overwhelming responses and shared the positivity that she got on sets. Her teammates who are already in awe with Shraddha's genuine personality have written emotional things about the actress on the social media handles and we totally second every bit of it!
Talking about Shraddha's hardwork, her teammate Shraddha Naik commented, "I Love you Shraddie! You have put in incredible amount of hardwork in this film.. so proud of you! <3
Praising Shraddha Kapoor Rahuldid commented, "you are officially a professional dancer @shraddhakapoor loved working with you on this film coz it never felt like that we were working and everything being so last minute for girl pulled it off like a gangst".
Caroline Wilde wrote, "#SD3memories The most humble and beautiful soul, thank you for everything @shraddhakapoor <3
Taking to the social media handle her teammate Maahek Nair wrote, "It's hard to say 'thank you' to someone who deserves so much more than that. But @shraddhakapoor love you to the moon and back .
Dream Big. Sparkle More. Shine Bright Girl @shraddhakapoor . You deserve it all 😘💕😘.
Thank you complete team of #streetdancer3`.
Talking about Shraddha's hardwork, Praveen Nair wrote, "Lots of Love and respect for you Shraddie!! u have put in lot of sleepless nights for this project .. lots to learn from you ❤ @shraddhakapoor and it's been a great pleasure working with you, and looking forward to working with you more".
The actress has trained, prepped and rehearsed to essay the perfect dance body moves and characterisation. Shraddha's social media is filled with glimpses of rehearsals and fans can't wait to see her in this dancing avatar.
The most liked personality of the industry, Shraddha is winning hearts and she will be seen in an action-packed avatar in Saaho where Shraddha will be essaying the role of a cop, while Chhichhore tests her versatility with dual roles of a college student as well as a middle-aged woman. Street Dancer 3D will showcase the actress in a completely new dance avatar.
With multiple releases this year, Shraddha Kapoor also has an anticipated release with Baaghi 3.