Anupam Kher took to social media to remember Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, as the iconic movie today celebrates its 25 glorious years in Bollywood. The iconic actor took a break from his political tweets about the situation in Kashmir to congratulate the filmmaker Sooraj Barjataya and the team involved in the making of the film which has amassed millions of fans throughout the world. The film, of which Kher himself was a part of opened today in 1994 starring Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit in the titular roles of Prem and Nisha who come to terms with their love amidst traditional values of sacrifice and honor.
Director Suraj Barjataya's vision for this film was not to reinvent the wheel but to expose the film going audience to quintessential familial values. Barjataya initially worked on the sequel of Maine Pyaar Kiya but after the insistence of his father reworked Nadiya Ke Paar, an older Rajshri Production project into his next project.
The film was a Box-Office success with 2 Billion worldwide, also winning multiple accolades at the awards circuit. Hum Aapke Hain Kaun won the National Award along with 5 Filmfare Awards for Best Film, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screeenplay and a Special Award for Lata Mangeshkar.
The popularity of the Hum Aapke Hain Kaun soars even today after 25 years of its release, as it painted a portrait of joys and sorrows of a joint family. Kher ended his tweet, stating its goodness and impact on the culture of marriages forever. The film also featured a stellar ensemble cast of Mohnish Behal, Renuka Shahane, Reema Lagoo, and Alok Nath; all of them becoming household names in the years to come.
Monday, August 05, 2019 14:43 IST