Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy makers have shared the BTS video featuring the ensemble cast and huge sets created for the upcoming project. The movie`s teaser will be released on 20th August, 2019 for the fans to experience the magic.
Makers shared, "Here`s a glimpse into the behind the scenes of #SyeRaaNarasimhaReddy.
Teaser out on 20.08.2019!"
The video features the creation of larger than life sets with guns blazing and the backdrop of the British Colonial era. With high octane action and thrilling sword fight which will get your blood gushing for more.
The period drama is based on the life of freedom fighters Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy which is known to be the first war of Independence against the British Rule in India.
Movie features an ensemble cast of Shri Amitabh Bachchan, Dr Chiranjeevi, Kichcha Sudeep, Vijay Sethupathi, Jagapathi Babu, Ravi Kishan, Nayanthara, Tamannaah and Niharika which makes the movie unmissable.
Produced by Ram Charan, Excel Entertainment and AA Films in association with Konidela Productions, SyeRaa Narasimha Reddy starring the GREATEST Indian ensemble cast of all times. The film is directed by Surender Reddy and is slated to release this year.
Friday, August 16, 2019 14:56 IST