After the acclaimed Kadvi Hawa, actor Sanjay Mishra is back with yet another film that focuses on climate change. Turtle, which features him in a lead role, recently won the National Award for Best Rajasthani Film. It has also garnered acclaim for its unflinching gaze at water crisis.
Although films such as Turtle receive critical acclaim, they never get enough exposure. Sanjay Mishra believes government should take up the responsibility of pan-India release of such films. "As an actor I feel I am responsible to tell an important story through the film I become part of, and Turtle is an important film for me.
`Climate change, and resultant water crisis, is a big topic of conversation globally. So while a National Award makes us happy, the film will serve its purpose when it is released widely for the mass audience," says Sanjay Mishra in an interview.
"In a small budget film, coming from an independent filmmaker, it is not possible financially to get a wider reach unless we get government support, because releasing a film is an expensive affair. These films have the potential to create awareness among common people. So, it is important these films are not just made, taken to festivals and awarded.
The actor, who is known for his work in films like the Golmaal series, Masaan, Ankho Dekhi and Newton, believes that reaching out to the next generation is important to bring change. "It would make sense to include such films on their (school children's) extracurricular activity. Understanding the importance of planting trees and (of) water harvesting system is important from childhood, so that it can become part of your lifestyle," said Sanjay Mishra.
Turtle (Kachhua) the film, is directed by Dinesh S Yadav and produced by Ashok Choudhary of Shivazza films.
Thursday, August 22, 2019 13:23 IST