The not-too-brief meeting between Britain's future prime minister and Asia's current super-icon at Yashraj Studios on Friday evening has resulted in tall plans for Bollywood's
collaboration with Britain...
Only, the Big B thoroughly disapproves of the term Bollywood, so Chancellor Brown will have to find a way of circumventing that little problem.
Laughs the Big B, "Yes, we did meet at Yashraj Studio. Though this isn't the first time that Chancellor Brown and I met. He has on other occasions asked me to be part of
charitable and social global endeavours, and I've gladly done whatever I could."
But now Bollywood seems to be the focus of Gordon Brown's attentions. Apparently he was so taken up with the Big B that he insisted on watching footage of the
"I don't know about that. But yes, he did watch Kajra re. After that we had a fairly detailed discussion. Chancellor Brown wants to extend the parameters of our collaboration
with Great Britain. He wants to provide further incentives and facilities to our film industry for shooting in England."
What the Big B desists from stating is that Gordon Brown has zeroed in on the actor as Bollywood's primary ambassador to the UK, and is in the process of formulating
ambitious plans to further Indian cinema's reach in Britain.
The Big B reiterates, "Yes, there was a closed-door meeting after the screening of Kajra re. I am certainly willing to represent our industry in every way that I can."
People at the Gordon Brown event commented on the glow on the Big B's face. "The glow, as you call it, comes from the fact that my son has made such an impact in
Guru and that he's getting married."
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 13:46 IST