Superhit machine Himesh Reshammiya has been garnering a lot of love for the songs of his upcoming film Happy Hardy and Heer whether it`s Heeriye cutie pie Ishqbaaziyaan or Heer tu meri and to top it all Teri meri kahani which has not been launched yet officially . After recording `Teri Meri Kahaani` with the internet sensation Ronu Mandol yesterday, Himesh Reshammiya has released the next song from his album `Looteri` today which is sung by Aaryan Tiwari. The song is penned by Himesh and Aaryan. The song revolves around Himesh`s character Harshvardhan Bhatt talking about his experience with his ex girlfriend. It is beautifully shot in Europe.
When contacted Himesh, he said, "This song is in a very different space and I am sure many people will relate to the lyrics as well. Aaryan has done a fabulous job with this one. The next song which we are coming out with will be `Teri Meri Kahaani` which I recorded with Ronuji yesterday. I cannot wait for all music lovers to hear the song. We are planning to release it with a big event. It makes me really happy that such a soulful voice of Ranu Mondal is reaching out to people of my country
The makers of the film, Deepshikha Deshmukh and Sabita Manakchand and choreographer turned director Raka plan to release all the songs from the film first and then the trailer will be launched which will officially announce the release date of the film. Happy Hardy and Heer is a musical romantic comedy starring Himesh Reshammiya and Sonia Mann.
Saturday, August 24, 2019 15:49 IST