The man from Himachal who allegedly threw acid on Kangana's sister's face is a busy man. Out on bail,
Avinash has been constantly threatening Kangana over the phone.
Agitated yet restrained Kangana says, "The calls started a while back. He calls up and says; let me marry
your sister because no one else will marry her now. He promises to keep her happy. And when I refuse his
generous offer he says he'll do the same thing to me that he did to my sister."
Unperturbed Kangana remarks, "I'm shooting for a promotional music video of Suneel Darshan's Shaka
Laka Boom Boom. I can't allow this man to disrupt my sister or my life's life. My sister isn't allowed to take
any calls. I can handle this man. the best part is that the calls have started coming on my cook's cell
number! How does this man have my numbers?
Kangana is hounded by the electronic medium regarding this issue. " I'm not speaking to anyone. I just
want it to be known through this interview that I'm going to fight this man who's creating havoc in our lives to
the end this time. I'm a fearless person."
Thursday, February 01, 2007 14:41 IST