"Shilpa Shetty will now do a balancing act between Bollywood and the West," announced Dale Bhagwagar,
the actress's spokesperson and publicist, at a press conference held in Mumbai post her Big Brother
While Shetty is still in UK, with speculations about her impending Hollywood debut, Bhagwagar revealed
that he had already received calls from a couple of makers wanting to cast the actress in their films.
Refusing to divulge names, he informed that while five to six of the filmmakers who had approached him
were from US, three makers from the UK also contacted him.
He added that he even received a call from a documentary filmmaker in Singapore and even a Spanish film
maker. "When I told the latter that though Shilpa knows a little bit of French but doesn't speak Spanish, he
said, that was no problem at all as she was a wonderful package of face, figure and talent".
Bhagwagar also announced that Shilpa had signed up a dream team for herself in UK. "Max Clifford, who,
apart from being a remarkable, enterprising and admirable person, is one of the most powerful media men in
UK, would handle Shilpa's UK publicity.
While leading law firm Carter-Ruck will take care of her
leagal matters, Farhat Hussain will be the agent and Tasleem Begani, the manager," informed Bhagwagar.
Thursday, February 01, 2007 14:41 IST