The trailer shows a group of female friends enjoying the last day of the semester. One of the girls takes off early and is captured by a masked killer. A concerned Riley (Imogen Poots) looks to find out what happened to Helena (Lucy Currey). Her worry is brushed off as paranoia by others, and she too begins to feel watched. Soon, the rest of the girls start to feel a ghastly presence around them and they gang up to defeat the evil for once and for all.
`Black Christmas` is co-written by Sophia Takal and April Wolfe and directed by Sophia Takal. It stars Imogen Poots, Lily Donoghue, Aleyse Shannon, Brittany O`Grady, Simon Mead, Caleb Eberhardt, Carry Elwes, and Lucy Currey.
Based on the 1974 movie `Black Christmas`, the remake is a story about a group of students who are being stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. Currently, it is in the post-production phase and will theatrically release on December 13, 2019.