Actor Manoj Bajpayee who is marking his debut on the OTT platform with Amazon Prime Video's latest Web series 'The Family Man' is already receiving incredible response from the audience as well as the celebrities. The web series which is creating headlines is based on the several real-life incidents and what's interesting to know is that 'The Family Man' has a lot of similarities from the real events. Director Raj and DK, known to write films like 'Stree' and 'Shor in the City' present content inspired by real life events.
In the web series, Manoj Bajpayee will be seen juggling between his life of an intelligence officer and his family life. The actor is known to present unconventional roles and will once again prove to capture the hearts of the audience.
The series revolves around Srikant Tiwari who might be a regular family man but when at work, he is a 'world class spy' dealing with notorious terrorists.
The edgy drama thriller series has been created, produced and directed by Raj and DK (Stree, Go Goa Gone, Shor In The City) and marks the digital debut of two-time National Film Award-winning actor, Manoj Bajpayee, along with National Film Award recipient, Priyamani. The Amazon Original series includes talent from across the Indian film industry including Sharib Hashmi, Neeraj Madhav, Sharad Kelkar, Gul Panag, Sundeep Kishan, Darshan Kumaar, Sunny Hinduja, Shreya Dhanwantary and others.
The trailer of Amazon Original Series, The Family Man gives us a glimpse into the life of a middle-class man (Srikant Tiwari) who works for a special cell of the National Investigation Agency. While he tries to protect the nation from terrorists, he also has to protect his family from the impact of his secretive, high-pressure, and low paying job.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 13:01 IST