Actor Sanjay Dutt who is all set to treat his fans with his promising trail of films has shared insights about his films. The actor will be seen in various films namely Shamshera, Panipat, Prithviraj Chauhan, Bhuj: The Pride of India, KGF 2 and Sadak 2.
In a recent interview the actor shared, "Yeah, I have some interesting films lined up, from Shamshera, Panipat and Prithviraj Chauhan to Bhuj: The Pride of India, a film with Vikas Bahl, and two sequels, KGF 2 and Sadak 2. The latter reunites me with (Mahesh) Bhatt saab after two decades. He has the same energy and madness, and after a long time, I felt he was really happy, to be back in the director's chair. KGF 2, which rolls soon, is an action-packed drama with me as Adheera, the villain's brother, who returns to take revenge. Maanayata was insistent I do it."
The actor is leaving no stone unturned to ace every character coming his way. For the period drama, Sanjay Dutt sports a bald look and has undergone multiple costume trials and look trials to attain the perfect embodiment.
Over the years, Sanjay Dutt has struck a chord with all his viewers and this is the reason why he has such a humongous fan-following. Not only that but he is appreciated by critics and filmmakers alike.
On the work front, Sanjay Dutt is one of the busiest actors in the business. Big budgeted films like Shamshera, Kalank, Panipat, Bhuj: The Pride of India, Prasthanam, Sadak 2, KGF 2 amongst others make a list of his upcoming films.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 16:06 IST