Amazon Prime Video is all set to present its latest Web Series 'Family Man' starring Manoj Bajpayee in the lead marking his debut on OTT platform. The actor who has already said in the past that filming for the show was not easy at all but it definitely was worth it.
The actor has shot multiple chase sequences for the show and while most of them have been shot in Mumbai one has been shot in Kashmir as well.
The team had done special researches to understand the traffic levels particularly for the shoot in Mumbai which is well known for its long hours of traffic jams. It is thus extremely commendable that the team could pull off his and make it look so effortless
Earlier in an interview, the actor had revealed that prepping for the role was a tedious task that took him a good three months. Fans who have seen the trailer are super excited and can't wait to binge-watch the entire show.
The Family Man which is Manoj Bajpayee's first web show is all set to release on the 20th September, exclusively on Amazon Prime.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 16:42 IST