Bollywood stars Aamir Khan, Suneil Shetty, Zayed Khan and Om Puri were among the nearly 900 people who celebrated the centenary of the first Montessori school here
Zayed, a former student of one of the eight Montessori institutions in the city, joined the others, including nearly 800 students, in the celebrations by walking along the
promenade near south Mumbai's Haji Ali area.
The students sang the popular "Hum Honge Kamyab", and the march, titled Walk for Peace, ended with the release of 100 red and white balloons.
The first Montessori school was opened by Maria Montessori on January 6, 1907 in the slums of the Italian capital of Rome and the movement has since spread to
encompass 22,000 schools in over 100 countries.
Thursday, February 08, 2007 13:09 IST