Ace singer and Bharat Ratna recipient Lata Mangeshkar will release the Hindi translation of memoirs penned by her sister Meena Mangeshkar-Khadikar, an accomplished singer herself, on September 29 at her Mumbai's residence. Notably, Lata Mangeshkar will celebrate her 90th birthday on September 28.
'Didi Aur Main', the Hindi translation of Meena Khadikar's acclaimed memoirs, 'Mothi Tichi Saavli', traverses her journey from Latadidi's struggles to raging success. Maharashtra has lapped up the Marathi book which released in 2018. The book is replete with first-hand information and anecdotes of Latadidi's 70-year-long singing stint which blends skillfully into a lucid writing style.
The book, while being a treasure trove of the legendary singer's career, is also soaked with a feel of the golden era of Hindi film industry. Rare and candid pictures of the Mangeshkar family breathe more life into the book. Moreover, the foreword of the book is written by thespian actor Amitabh Bachchan. The Hindi translation was made possible by noted writer-journalist Ambarish Mishra and the book is published by Parchure Prakashan Mandir.
"The book (Didi Aur Main) is my gift to Didi on her 90th birthday. I have tried my best to coalesce into this book the bittersweet memories of the Mangeshkar family," said Meenatai.
A singer in her own right, Meenatai would often join Latadidi during the latter's public concerts, both in India and abroad. Meenatai has scored music for a couple of Hindi-Marathi films, and has also done several private music albums including children songs in Marathi.
Monday, September 23, 2019 11:10 IST