Vikram Bhatt is back with a horror film titled Ghost and what a thunderous welcome he has received! The trailer released on Monday and fan-clubs around the world wrote in expressing their love and anticipation for the film. They also compelled the filmmaker to release the first song titled Dil Maang Raha Hai Maulat 3 days in advance. Barely 2 days since release and the track is conquering hearts worldwide with its melodious tune and lyrics. Listeners have said that they are hooked to the melody and can`t stop themselves from playing it on loop.
Dil Maang Raha Hai Maulat is a love tune sung by Yasser Desai and composed by Sanjeev Darshan. The song is picturized on Sanaya Irani and Shivam engulfed in a cloud of emotion and love. Vikram Bhatt shared that the idea of Ghost came to him when he read a newspaper article about how a British court allowed a matter involving spirits to be tried. He was intrigued and decided to channel his energy into this film.
Ghost, A Vashu Bhagnani production, directed by Vikram Bhatt will release in cinemas on 18 October.
Friday, September 27, 2019 13:42 IST