Bollywood's leading filmmaker Ritesh Sidhwani recently, attended a prestigious film festival where the producer took some time out to talk about films and how content is ruling the industry on a panel that discussed 'Art and Cinema'.
Ritesh Sidhwani is one filmmaker who has delivered and treated us with some amazing films under his banner Excel Entertainment. It is a moment of pride for the producer and all the fans of his work, as one of the most recent films from the banner titled, Gully Boy has been selected as India's official entry for the prestigious Oscars.
Further, the filmmaker has even dwelled into south films with KGF Chapter 1 which went onto become a massive blockbuster and more so, his upcoming South venture Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy has created a huge buzz much before its release.
The filmmaker is known to tap onto subjects with great content in them and always ends up delivering to the audience something magical.
After the huge success of Gully Boy on the work front, the producer's next will be the sequels of the popular films and series Mirzapur, Made In Heaven, KGF and Inside Edge along with the movie, Toofan.
Friday, September 27, 2019 18:07 IST