The story revolves around an ATS officer, Jaiveer Maalik, from Delhi, who is drawn into the murky underbelly of the Mumbai movie mafia and industrialists. On the other hand, Maalik's wife Kesar Maalik, played by the gorgeous Mahie Gill, is a loving wife and is always worried about her husband's life and arranges 'Maata ki Chowki' or 'Jagrata' quite often at her home. The web-series also marks the debut of Shabir Ahluwalia aka FIXERR and actress Isha Koppikar playing sub-inspector Jayanti Javdekar, Maalik's partner in crime and his right hand. His life takes an unpredictable turn when he gets suspended for a failed encounter. Maalik's journey is far from a smooth ride as it involves the enemies he makes with every fix, his relationship with a film actress, his aspiring actor brother who ends up becoming a drug addict and lastly, the strains in his married life.
Speaking on the launch, Shabir Ahluwalia commented, `It was a dream come true working with so many talented and wonderful people. It's a very different show, not just because everyone says it's different, but because we have tried to create something that not a lot of people can create. It's a full-on masala entertainment and a fun show with lots of twists and turns. While you are enjoying the show, you will be hit by a jolt. Hope the audience will like it and shower their love.`
For the same, the gorgeous Isha Koppikar quipped, `I am excited to be a part of Fixerr. This show is special in many ways as it marks my foray into the digital space. In this series, I play sub-inspector Jayanti Javdekar who is a right hand and a partner in crime to Maalik. The audience will get to see a different side of me and an unusual chemistry between Maalik and Jayanti.`
Mahie Gill said, `Working with ALTBalaji is exciting as I always wanted to work with Ekta. This is my second web-series with the platform, and I am looking forward to this show. I am playing Maalik's wife, 'Kesar' in the series who has many shades. The trailer of FIXERR received a very warm response from the audience, and I hope the show will receive equal love and blessings.`
The 12 episodic series will surely leave the audience wanting for more while giving them an enthralling experience. Download ALTBalaji & Zee5 now to enjoy the show.