Deepika Padukone has recently spoken her mind about the #MeToo movement, saying that, `You should ask some cricketers about the #MeToo movement. I don't see that happening. But every actor is asked about the #MeToo movement. It's not something that's happening only in the film industry."
The "Om Shanti Om" actress further expanded on the statement, saying, "So, sure, I don't think I'm in any kind of place to say if I would expose myself to a forum. You can ask me whatever question you want, but why subject it only to a film star? As responsible people, should we not have an opinion? All our opinions should matter then, right?"
The "Pyaar Ka Panchnama" filmmaker Luv Rajan has been accused of sexual harassment by an anonymous actress. Her defense of the filmmaker comes as a surprise to the fans, as Deepika claimed to never work with someone accused of sexual misconduct. The sources believe that she is to be seen in Luv Ranjan's next project, and fans are horrified at her hypocrisy.
Deepika Padukone will also be seen in the upcoming movies "Chhapaak" and "83" coming out next year.
Thursday, October 10, 2019 13:35 IST