Nikki Tamboli will be featuring in her 3rd South Indian movie called Thippara Meesam. The star has earlier featured in movies such as Kanchana 3 and Chikati Gadilo Chithakkotudu. She has done commendable work earlier in Kanchana 3 where she worked with the likes of Raghava master.
Nikki Tamboli is a star in the making. Nikki will also be making her bollywood debut soon but her next called Thippara Meesam will be releasing soon and that is on the 8th of November. It's a Telugu film and it will also be dubbed in Kannada. We spoke to the pretty actor and here is what she had to say, "It's a wonderful story and I have worked really hard on the movie. I am very glad for the release of the movie. We would be working on promotions of the movie soon. I can't wait to see the audience reaction to the movie super soon."
We wish the pretty star all the luck for the movie and we would love to see it super soon.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 13:51 IST