Sanjay Dutt is surely in a mood to bag a bunch of films after the courtroom drama. Dutt will feature in Sanjay Gadhvi's next film, Kidnap according to the latest resources.
the film revolves around a father-daughter duo who brave many odds to stay together. Dutt plays the doting father obviously.
"Yes, I'm doing the film. I've given my commitment to Sanjay. However, we're yet to figure out the schedule." Says Dutt.
Dutt will be sporting a salt-and-pepper look in the film. "The protagonists are an ageing father and his college going daughter. Sanjay (Dutt) has to look a little old in the film.
We're figuring out his look in the film.
As for his character he's this daddy cool who is very attached to his daughter. We hope he's going to be his normal self and
conduct himself the way he does with his own daughter Trishala," says our source.
As evident from the title the film will boast of chills and thrills. However, it's going to be a far cry from the traditional Sanjay Gadhvi style. "The film is definitely a thriller. A
kidnapping incident will change the lives of the principal characters" we are promised.
Thursday, February 15, 2007 13:15 IST