Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty said on Friday night she would not apologise for making good money on 'Celebrity Big Brother' but admitted the British reality TV show was a huge challenge to her honour and integrity.
"Yes, it was a very lucrative offer for me. I am not apologetic about saying that yes, I got paid very, very well," the Bollywood star told NDTV.
Shilpa, who emerged victorious after enduring over three week's of racist jibes on the show that caught the international fancy, said she was "shocked" that people think she went to Britain only to make money and was not representing her country on the series.
"I was never really there to make great TV. I did it because it was a huge challenge for me... because it was a great opportunity," she said.
"So people say that 'you know, she just went to make money.' I am in shock because that's what hurts me more than anything," the long-legged actress, whose career took an upswing after the win, said.
"Yes, I am there to make money. But my honour and my dignity is not up for sale," Shilpa said.
Saturday, February 17, 2007 12:23 IST