Super talented actor Sunny Singh has been widely loved by the audiences for his previous roles in Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 and Sonu Ke Tittu Ki Sweety. The actor has impressed us yet again with his flawless performance as Chaman in his recently released comedy Ujda Chaman.
Set along the back-drop of premature balding, Ujda Chaman is a film to look forward to and Sunny Singh has put his best foot forward to do complete justice to his character and entertain all. The young actor has mounted the film completely on his shoulders with his impeccable comic timing and screen presence. Sunny has always resonated with the masses through his characters in the past and this time too, he has left an impact on all with his phenomenal performance.
Ujda Chaman has been receiving appreciation for its substance and portrayal of a common issue in a light-hearted manner which has paved its way through the audience's heart. While the film has kicked-off on a good opening, we are eager to witness its success in the coming weeks and hope audiences connect to the character of Chaman.
Sunny Singh as Chaman will surely entertain you with his super performance!
Saturday, November 02, 2019 13:11 IST