Actor's Shraddha Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have given the masses an array of films and entertained all with their performances throughout. While most actors spend a majority of time on-sets and focusing on their scripts and films, sometimes their focus tends to deviate when they cross their paths with love and their partner!
Shraddha Kapoor was rumored to have been dating the multi-faceted actor Farhan Akhtar while they were shooting for Rock On 2 in 2016 and unfortunately, the film failed miserably at the box office. Similarly, Alia Bhatt has been allegedly dating her all-time crush Ranbir Kapoor and guess what? Her recently released film, Kalank flopped majorly at the box office and didn't seem to garner desired numbers!
Well, what's common is the fact that both these stunning divas were in a relationship when they delivered major flops of their careers!
Well, one must learn to keep their personal and professional lives separate and strike the right balance!
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 20:11 IST