Tollywood and Bollywood actor Payal Ghosh will be ringing in her birthday but this time it is going to be different. Payal wants to spend the day with NGO who might not be as privileged as the rest. She would be taking time out from her shoot and busy schedule to go to the kids.
Payal has a reputation of always taking time out to meet kids even when she is on shoot or on location and the pretty star always showers the kids with gifts such as books and dresses etc. We spoke to payal about her birthday plans and here is what she has got to say, " much of my day would be spent with these kids from the NGO. We would play games, chat a lot and then I have some gifts for them and I will also take some of their favourite dishes. It helps me connect to my childhood and makes me a kid again. It's so important to keep the kid in us alive and sharing love with these beautiful creatures just gets me super happy. So this time i would be spending time with the kids."
Not just pretty outside, Payal has a golden heart and she has all our wishes. We wish her a very happy birthday and hope to see a lot more of her. She is all the motivation we need.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:31 IST