Maanyata Dutt is not only an extraordinary producer but also an ideal mother. Her first film 'Baba' was screened at the 'Golden Globes' earlier this year, and Prassthanam was received critical acclaim for its intriguing storyline. Maanyata talked about harmonizing family life and being a businesswoman and also shared her outlook on the upbringing of star kids.
Maanyata and Sanjay Dutt have decided to raise their children in the most normal way possible. Elaborating how they go about keeping their children away from the limelight she says, `I'm aware as star kids the exposure levels and attention given to my children is different. And I'm also aware of how this can affect them,`.
A dedicated producer, Maanayata is also passionate about writing. After surprising her fans with content-driven Prassthanam which received a lot of love for its gripping narrative, Maanyata's film 'Baba' is also competing for the foreign-language films category at the Golden Globes at Los Angeles.
After treating back to back good scripts, the producer who is a working mother and an entrepreneur will surely surprise her audience by announcing her next!
Thursday, November 14, 2019 17:00 IST