British celebrity Jade Goody, infamous in India for her alleged racial slurs against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty on a reality TV show, is now on a charitable mission to the country to donate part of the "dirty" money earned on the serial to a children's home here.
The 25-year-old British celebrity, who denied her first visit to India after the controversial "Celebrity Big Brother" show was a "publicity stunt", today donated 50,000 dollars to a children's home run by a charitable trust.
"For me the money I earned from 'Big Brother' is dirty money, as it caused a lot of hurt to people. It would not have been a nice thing to put it in the bank," Goody told reporters.
Asked whether her trip to India and specially her involvement with charities was an image-building exercise after the negative response to her behaviour on the show, she said, "I do not want to improve my image. I wanted to improve the condition of these children.
"I have never said anything about the poor people in India or the children. I owe my apologies to Shilpa and her family," said the reality TV star who sported a white T-shirt and grey trousers.
On her decision to visit India soon after the show, Goody said she had come in response to an invitation from the charity.
Goody said she had been informed that Shipla and her family have invited her to their home. "But I cannot make it this time because of my commitments here. I hope to make it next time.
"It is not a publicity stunt. Had I wanted I could have come with a TV crew or a magazine, but I am on a private confidential visit."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:58 IST