It looks like Bollywood's wedding to Hollywood is going to be a prolonged affair, Even as Deepa Mehta's Water made it to the Oscar short list and Mira Nair prepares to shoot Shantaram with Amitabh Bachchan and Johnny Depp, the Omkara maker Vishal Bharadwaj has invited one of Hollywood's top cinematographers Guillermo Navarro to shoot his short- film on AIDS.
Coincidentally Guillermo has won this year's Oscar for his cinematography in Pan's Labyrinth.
"I asked him before the Oscar. And Guillermo has agreed!" Vishal exclaims. "I got to know him through my friend Matthew Robbins who's writing my next film. Robbins has worked with the Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo de Toro.
I just took a chance on Navarro for the 11-minute Aids film that Mira Nair is Executive-producing on behalf of the Bill Gates Foundation. To my surprise Navarro readily agreed. I start shooting from 10 March. In my opinion no Indian film has got an international cinematographer of this stature before."
Navarro has photpgraphed such major films as A Night At The Museum, Hellboy, Spy Kids and Stuart Little.
The story of Vishal's film entitled Blood Brothers is by Matthew Robbins. Reveals Vishal, "It would be in the thriller format. We don't want to preach to the audience. We want to entertain them.
The message shouldn't come out boring. All of us directors Mira Nair, Farhan Akhtar, Santosh Sivan are making films on various aspects of the HIV problem. My theme in Blood Brothers would be life doesn't end with AIDS. It can actually be a new beginning."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:14 IST