British reality TV star Jade Goody, accused of making racist slurs against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty last month, apologised to the Indian people during her visit here Tuesday and said she will donate all the 'dirty money' earned from the "Celebrity Big Brother" show.
"I will donate all the 'dirty money' earned by me on 'Celebrity Big Brother', including (from) interviews to TV channels, newspapers and magazines, as charity to the Railway Children's organisation," Goody told reporters.
"The sum amounts to $50,000. I have been associated with this organisation since a few weeks (ago)," she added.
She clarified that the charity or her visit of a slum locality here to meet underprivileged children was not a publicity stunt meant to improve her tampered image.
"It is not a publicity stunt at all. My visit to India is a private programme. I have funded myself and also sponsored all the people who have come here along with me.
"I never wanted to say to Shilpa that India is a country of poor. I am sorry for hurting the Indian community and have already extended my apologies to Shilpa."
Goody went to meet children living in slums and an orphanage at around 12 noon. Accompanied by members of the British media, she spent more than two hours with the underprivileged children.
She said her meeting with the children was inspirational for her.
"The kids I met today are the most fantastic children I have ever met. They were from different backgrounds and even after facing various hardships they smile. It was very emotional and inspirational for me.
"From now, children will be my priority and I know where my money would be going."
Goody, who also visited the tomb of Mughal emperor Humanyun here for 40 minutes Monday, thanked Indians for welcoming her.
"I had a warm welcome everywhere, even at the airport. The response I am receiving from the people is quite nice and there is not much of negativity," she said.
Goody arrived in Delhi Monday and checked in at the Le Meridien. Though media persons had parked themselves at the hotel, she had kept them at an arm's length till the formal press meet.
She leaves here Thursday and is keeping all her plans under wraps and calls them "confidential". At the same time she rebuffed reports of meeting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh or visiting parliament.
However, Goody said she would not be able to meet Shilpa as she had other commitments. "I have informed Shilpa and she has extended an invitation to me. But I have other commitments."
"'Celebrity Big Brother' has taught me a lesson. If I had not been a part of it I would have never got a chance to realize that there is a lot more pain than what we see."
Her racist comments to Shilpa on the show had caused outrage in India and Britain, with the issue being raised in the House of Commons and even two Indian ministers demanding corrective action.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:15 IST