Even as he waits for the release of three Hindi films in a tumble this summer, Sammir Dattani rushed off to Bangalore for the release of his new Kannada film Sajini. "It's my fourth Kannada release and I'm nervous as hell. People aren't making it any better for me."
Apparently Sammir known as Dhyaan in Kannada cinema has been getting more than his normal share of fan attention. One female fan has been letting him know exactly what he's up to at any given hour of the day. "It's scary because she seems to know what I'm up to almost before I know it myself. And she calls from different numbers to confuse me. Her messages can qualify as porn," blushes Sammir.
Sajini producer Dr J. Murli Manohar who's readying Provoked for an April release laughs. "Sammir better get used to the attention. All the other leading men in Kannada cinema fall into a different category. He's the only pinup boy we have."
Sighs Sammir, "If being a pinup boy means I get pinned down constantly, even in the loo, for inspection with invisible cameras than I'd rather not be one."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:16 IST