Sunny Kaushal and Rukshar Dhillon who are all set for their upcoming dance franchise 'Bhangra Paa Le' share a great chemistry not only on-screen but also off-screen. The duo looked adorable while they had presented awards to the winners yesterday at an event in Mumbai.
Gorgeous Rukshar Dhillon wore a creamy high slit gown while Sunny Kaushal was all decked up in a dark blue color suit with a pair of white shoes. As the two entered the event grabbed eyeballs from everyone at the event for their sizzling chemistry and a great fashion sense.
On the same day, the duo also visited Gurudwara to seek blessings before they kickstart the promotions of their film.
Recently the duo also did an impromptu flash mob in the title track of the film 'Bhangra Paa Le' outside 'Mannat' and 'Galaxy', to surprise Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. As the song is inspired the film Karan Arjun. The fans went crazy as they spotted the two newbie's performing 'Bhangra'.
With the young audience demanding more for dance-oriented films, RSVP's new film is sure to give dancing goals with a complete Punjabitadka.
Produced by RSVP Bhangra Paa Le will be directed by Sneha Taurani starring Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019 13:50 IST