The new year will start with Bhangra Paa Le as the makers recently announced that the movie will hit the theatres on the 3rd of January 2020. The lead actor of Bhangra Paa Le Sunny Kaushal will be seen in the dancing avatar.
Nailing the art of 'Bhangra' Sunny Kaushal will be seen acing the dance form with the utmost ease. The credit for the finesse goes to the man himself as Sunny preps for almost 12 to 14 hrs a day.
Getting into the skin of the character Sunny has been prepping extensively as he portrays the dual role in the parallel plots.
Recently, the lead pair had seen making splashing appearance at the award function also on the very day they visited the gurudwara to seek blessings before they kickstart the promotion of their film.
With the young audience demanding more for dance-oriented films, RSVP's new film is sure to give dancing goals with a complete Punjabitadka.
Produced by RSVP Bhangra Paa Le will be directed by Sneha Taurani starring Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019 16:07 IST