Ever since its announcement, filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra's upcoming project, 'Shikara - A love letter from Kashmir', has been hailed as one much-awaited project. The film which is all set to hit the theatres on 7th February, 2020 has finally shared its official motion poster and looking at it, it completely blows our minds.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra's film Shikara is described as A love letter from Kashmir and it looks like the filmmaker will be treating his fans with yet another fresh storytelling of the tales from the valley where the filmmaker finds his roots. Stating how after 30 years of what went around in the valley, the film's motion poster sets the tone right with its enchanting background score and poster.
The makers shared, "Tees saal baad, unki kahani kahi jaayegi... An untold love story is about to unfold.
#Shikara #VidhuVinodChopra @arrahman @VVCFilms"
The filmmaker recently celebrated 30 years of Parinda by sharing videos and clips from his iconic film which became an iconic milestone for one and all. With Shikara, Vidhu is all set to bring to the audience yet another stellar piece of film-making where he will be bringing together a story based on the stories from Kashmir.
The makers of the film released the official motion poster on YouTube and wrote, `What is it to know the agony of being a refugee in your own country? The year 1990 saw the biggest forced migration in independent India whereby more than 4,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits had to flee from the Kashmir Valley. Almost 3 decades later, most have been unable to return. Shikara is the story of resilience in the face of insurmountable odds. It's also the story of a love that remains unextinguished through 30 years of exile. A timeless love story in the worst of times.`
With the interest and excitement of the audience at its peak, Shikara - A love letter from Kashmir, a film by Vidhu Vinod Chopra will be hitting the screens on 7th February, 2020. Presented by Fox Star Studios. Produced by Vinod Chopra Productions and co-produced by Fox star studios.
Friday, December 20, 2019 14:15 IST