Lately, former Miss World India and actress Natasha Suri was dragged in a controversy as some online portals tagged the actress in some stories about 'leaked bikini pics' originally belonging to another model named 'Natasha Suri Singh' resulting in her getting mentally harassed.
Taking the strict road, Natasha Suri has now decided to file an official complaint with the cybercrime cell against 'Flynn Remedios' the organization behind creating fake stories and using her pictures for misleading content.
Talking about the entire matter with ETimes, Natasha said "My journalist friends helped me out in a big way when the matter was raging a few days ago. I also started reading into the finer details. I carefully observed the Twitter handles that were posting stories and other data. I figured that some of these IDs were being used to put up articles written on a particular website. It was all seeming very fishy to me. Gradually, I found out that mine was not a case of a fake identity. It was a case of internet harassment. The website that was concocting stories about me with fake pictures and misleading claims was run by a rogue guy called Flynn Remedios. He has been behind bars previously and has a history of harassing women and maligning renowned people including our Prime Minister, for which he is being tried in court. He is a sadist and he derives pleasure by troubling people. I've never met him and I don't even know him but he has ulterior motives to trouble people and create misleading scandals. I procured his number and reached out to him. While he didn't answer my calls initially but when I told him that I will complain to the cyber police, he brought down most of the articles that he had put up on his website. The thing is, the damage is done. So, I will reach out to the cops. People like him can just tarnish your reputation for no reason and out of nowhere. He needs to be taught a lesson. The internet is dangerous. We can't let these guys off so easily."
Friday, December 27, 2019 13:23 IST