Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter, Kiera, will soon be seen in a Hindi film. Filmmaker Rajshree Ojha brings her to act in her next, Chaurahen — Cross Roads. Kiera has been
part of a few foreign projects earlier but an Indian film is definitely something new in her bio-data.
So how did Rajshree Ojha come across Chaplin's granddaughter and get her to act in her film? Says Rajshree, "Kiera got to know about this film through her friend and she
loved the script. She was keen to come down to India and shoot for the film."
And how was the experience of working with Kiera, given the fact that she happens to be the descendent of none other than Charlie Chaplin. Does Kiera share his sense of
Says Rajshree, "She has an awesome sense of humour, but she is also a serious actress. She fell sick after coming to India but that did not deter her
from shooting for me. She was open to a lot of things like picking up some acting tips from co-actors Rupa Ganguly and Victor Banerjee."
Recalls Ojha, "We were shooting at the New Market in Kolkata where she came across the Chaplin theatre. Kiera was thrilled to see that. She loved India and wanted to
come back here again."
Rupa Ganguly, her co-star in Chaurahen — Cross Roads, says, "Kiera was spontaneous and well behaved. She was always eager and observant of whatever we did on the
sets. She mingled with the entire unit pretty well."
Thursday, March 08, 2007 15:09 IST