With Bollywood stars Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai's wedding day being awaited by millions of fans around the world, a Kochi-based florist is ecstatic that his
specially cultivated Heliconia flowers may beautify the occasion.
According to George Phillip, one of the county's main suppliers of the ornamental plant, an order for 1,000 pieces of Heliconia flowers for a major Bangalore stockist, has
been received, but was actually meant for the Bachchan and Rai wedding.
"We do have some orders from Delhi, actually from Bangalore through our agent, it is meant for Aishwarya Rai they had told us as per details given to me," he said.
Phillip has 270 varieties of Heliconia, which he grows on five acres of land.
The exotic plant grows anywhere between 15 to 300 centimetres, and is primarily used for the decoration of halls and lobbies.
Bangalore happens to be Aishwarya Rai's hometown.
Heliconia, which is commonly known as 'lobster-claw' or 'wild plantain' and is native to tropical America and the Pacific Ocean islands, is mainly grown for ornamental use.
Presently, Phillip supplies the plant to most cities in India.
"We are the main suppliers for the Heliconia in India and major growers and exporters. We are supplying to North India as well as to the southern parts of India...Chennai,
Bangalore, Mumbai, mostly to Delhi also...Actually, we are just waiting for cold storage facilities at Kochi Airport. After that, we will be able to export," said Phillip.
Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai got engaged in January this year. The exact date of their marriage is being kept a close guarded secret, though the media has
speculated that it could be some time in March or April.
Thursday, March 08, 2007 15:11 IST