The trailer of Himesh Reshammiya's much-awaited romantic-comedy film 'Happy Hardy and Heer' has finally been released. The film was initially supposed to be released on January 3rd this year but then it was pushed again to the end of the month. Happy Hardy and Heer stars Himesh Reshammiya in a double role for the first time and joining him as the leading lady of the film is Sonia Mann.
This film is the story of 'Happy' and his friend 'Heer'. Happy is in love with Heer but Heer has him friend-zoned and she soon falls in love with a famous singer and star Hardy aka 'Harshvardhan Bhatt'. But Happy is not one of those who give up easily and then begins the battle of love between Happy and Hardy in which you have to go to theaters to see who wins. Watch the trailer here -
'Happy Hardy and Heer' is directed by Raka and the film is produced by Deepshikha Deshmukh and Sabita Manakchand. Along with Himesh Reshammiya and Sonia Mann, the film also stars Naresh Suri, Manmeet Singh, Deep Mandeep, Ashwin Dhar, Sejal Shah, Trupti Khamkar, David Shaw and Nazar Abdullah Ahmed in important roles. Happy Hardy and Heer will be released on January 31st.
Tuesday, January 07, 2020 12:10 IST