Bollywood actor Preity Zinta, who was to address the media in the capital as part of celebrations of the International Women's Day Thursday, left the venue in a huff, leaving reporters clueless.
Preity, the brand ambassador of Godfrey Phillips Bravery, was present during the Bravery Award felicitation ceremony at Dilli Haat as part of the women's day celebrations.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur gave away the awards.
Once the award ceremony was over Preity invited the reporters for interaction at Maurya Sheraton. After obliging those from four TV channels, she suddenly stepped out of the lounge in a huff, leaving both media and the Godfrey Phillips Bravery representatives clueless.
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) organised the celebrations in association with Godfrey Phillips. Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, Union Women and Child
Development Minister Renuka Choudhury and DCW chairperson Kiran Walia also attended the event.
Gursharan Kaur said that on this special day, women must pledge to deal with society's ills like female foeticide, dowry deaths and child marriages.
Dikshit said: "This is a special day, a day of celebration for all women who should take a pledge to stop from this moment all the injustice done to them."
While addressing the crowd, which had gathered to get a glimpse of the Bollywood diva, she added, "Lord Krishna had asserted that tolerating injustice is a bigger sin than committing injustice. Indian women must shed all fear to fight injustice."
Friday, March 09, 2007 12:05 IST