The film, Chhapaak hit the screens recently and has garnered wide appreciation from the audience all across. The film, a Meghna Gulzar directorial has witnessed a strong hold at the box office with Sunday collections at Rs. 7.35 crores. The film has won critical appreciation by one and all for its gripping storyline based on the life of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal, played by Deepika Padukone.
The movie opened at the box office and collected 4.77 crores on its opening day and Deepika's performance has surely become the talk of the town. Deepika essayed the role of Malti, inspired by Laxmi's life in the Meghna Gulzar directorial. The movie has marked a significant opening at the box office with its reality-driven storyline.
The songs from the film and its gut-wrenching storyline are going to live long as it is a movement in itself for 'change'. From the theme song Chhapaak to Ab Ladna Hai and Muh Dikhai 2.0, all the campaigns surely are the retrospective mirrors that have been loved by everyone. The movie was declared tax free in two states even before it was released to the audience and recently, Rajasthan also declared Chhapaak as a tax free movie.
Directed by Meghna Gulzar, produced by Fox Star Studios, Deepika Padukone's KA Production, Meghna Gulzar & Govind Singh Sandhu's Mriga Films, written by Atika Chohan and Meghna Gulzar, Chhapaak released on 10th January 2020 nationwide.
Monday, January 13, 2020 13:43 IST