The makers of Shikara are set to organize a special screening of the movie for the real Kashmiri Pandits who were pushed out of her homes. On the 30 year anniversary of the day, the events of the exile took place ie:19th January 1990.
Talking to a leading daily on the same, Vidhu Vinod Chopra shared, "This movie is a tribute to my mother, who went through the pain of being thrown out of her home three decades ago. The Kashmiri Pandit community has silently, in their own ways, communicated their anguish at the great loss of their homeland."
He further adds, "This movie is a small token of my appreciation for their courage and patience. They are my biggest strength, and this screening is for them to see their story being finally told. The time has come for the world to know what happened."
Vidhu Vinod Chopra's Shikara is all set to release on 7th February, 2020. Presented by Fox Star Studios. Produced by Vinod Chopra Productions and co-produced by Fox star studios.
The movie is based on the real events that took place and has actual footage from the exodus included.
Shikara also stars actual Kashmiri Pandits and is shot with the inhabitants of the Jagti refugee camp and the other camps which would bring authenticity to the film.
The trailer of 'Shikara' has received appreciation from all across for its heartwarming and thought-provoking storyline. A powerful depiction of Kashmir of 1990, Vidhu Vinod Chopra's directorial has struck the right chords amongst the audience.
Saturday, January 18, 2020 12:36 IST