Popular Indian TV actress Sejal Sharma has committed suicide, according to reports the actress was found hanging from a ceiling fan at her residence at Mira Road, Mumbai by a friend in the early hours of Friday. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she was declared dead on arrival
A suicide note was found According to a suicide note that stated the she took the step because of her personal reasons as she was `depressed and so she committed suicide`. The actress had gained popularity from star plus` show `Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji` along with TV actress Jasmin Bhasin and Ansh Bagri. In 2017 the actress moved to Mumbai from Udaipur (Rajasthan) to pursue her career in acting against the wishes of her parents.
The dead body of the actress was found at her flat in Royal Nest building, Mira Road early morning yesterday. The reason assumed for the death of the actress is depression as she wasn't happy and tensed due to the sickness of her father, who was apparently suffering from cancer and survived a sudden heart attack. Body of the actress is taken back to Rajasthan by her family, may her soul rest in peace.
Saturday, January 25, 2020 15:46 IST