Known for being the first ones to introduce musical originals in the Indian OTT webspace, ALTBalaji and ZEE5 continue to strike the right chord with yet another heartfelt track from its upcoming period drama 'It Happened in Calcutta'. The leading homegrown platform dropped the latest track 'Sukoon' from the show. Composed and sung by talented musician Akhil Sachdeva, this soulful track will reverberate with every soul and make them fall in love. The track is picturized on the lead pair Ronobir (Karan Kundrra) and Kusum (Naghma Rizwan) who are leading separate lives. Despite being away from each other, 'Sukoon' seamlessly captures their story of finding solace and peace within each other. It signifies the true essence of love which has been portrayed beautifully by the singer Akhil Sachdeva.
Speaking about the song, singer Akhil Sachdeva shares, `I am sure every individual will connect to this song as they might have come across a similar situation in their life. The song perfectly emotes the feelings of an individual who were once in love but is no longer together with their respective person due to them parting ways. I feel really blessed to be a part of such a web series and I hope audiences appreciate the work that we've done.`
It Happened in Calcutta revolves around Kusum, a young girl who aspires to become an esteemed doctor in the city. Pursuing her degree in Calcutta Medical College as she hopes to fulfill her dream, Kusum comes across a privileged, cocky, arrogant and devastatingly handsome boy named Ronobir and falls in love with him. What follows is a series of events that further adds to the twist in the tale. While the couple matures over time, it's their love that takes a beating leading to moments where they just don't want to be with each other. Filled with ups and downs aplenty, It Happened in Calcutta is a period drama that you surely do not want to miss.
Watch IT HAPPENED IN CALCUTTA on ALTBalaji and ZEE5 from 29th February!
Thursday, February 27, 2020 12:56 IST